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The Coding Lab is a student-run help desk where NYU students can get help with their code.  Our team of mentors are available by appointment or drop-in at the links below. 

We can help with all your coding needs from project development, debugging, and planning.

Our lab techs have experience with topics and languages like:

  • HTML
  • CSS 
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • Python

...as well as software programs like:

  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine
  • Spark AR,
  • Blender
  • Cinema 4D
  • Ableton Live
  • MaxMSP
  • TouchDesigner
  • Adobe Suite

We also teach students to use online resources like:

The Coding Lab started in the fall of 2019 at NYU’s ITP as a volunteer service, born out of a diverse community of students who love to share skills and help one another.

Now we employ 10 student workers each semester and host a Speaker Series where artists share about their work. We are currently fully remote and service over 150 student appointments per semester.  

We love coding and helping others and are so happy to serve the NYU community!

An-Kai Cheng, Dror Margalit, Mark Mark, Neeti Sivakumar, Nima Niazi, Yu Lee

Student Lead ‘24
Lucia Gomez

Please write us at codinglab@itp.nyu.edu if you have any questions, suggestions or if you want to join our team!


You can book an appointment below with one of our fabulous lab techs.  Each has a particular skill set listed so choose the one that is right for you.

Drop-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis.  For this reason, we recommend making an appointment.  

Booked an appointment already?  Meet your mentor at the lab at your appointment time. Remote sessions are available upon request. 

 The Coding Lab is open, book appointments with mentors below ↓

Lucia Gomez -  Sign up here

Backend and front end web development, React, Javascript, p5.js, HTML/CSS, Java, Python, node.js, bash, GitHub, creating/using/testing APIs, hosting platforms, MySQL databases, MongoDB, Arduino code, project planning, how to Google things effectively

Sangyu Chen - Sign up here

Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS, C, C#, p5.js, three.js, socket.io, react, node.js, Python, Shell Scripting, Linux, Git, general coding/debugging

Edward Zhou - Sign up here

Full-stack web development, JavaScript / TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Node.js (Express), React, Next.js, Git, Linux, Mongo, Socket.io , Java, Python, p5.js, general coding, debugging. Bits of THREE.js, Tone.js, Blender, shell scripting, C/C++

Ruby Zhang - Sign up here

Programming Languages - C++, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Swift, HTML/CSS, SQL. Full Stack Development - React.js, Next.js, React Native, SwiftUI, Tailwind, Node.js, Express, Django, Flask, Fast API, Elasticsearch, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, AWS, Git (GitHub, GitLab).
Data & Machine Learning - TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib.
Other Tools - p5.js, Three.js, Arduino, Linux/Unix.

Nasif Rincon Romaite - Sign up here

p5.js & Processing, Arduino & PComp, XBee, node.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS/SASS, PHP, Custom Wordpress Backend PHP Code, Cheapest Web Hosting, Google Analytics & Tag Manager, git, web debugging/inspecting/performance

Beverly Yip - Sign up here

Programming Languages - Java, Javascript, Typescript, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, C, Go, p5.js
Tools - Full-stack web development, Git, npm, yarn, ARIA, MongoDB
Frameworks - React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, Angular.js, Salesforce CLI and LWC, Jest testing, general code debugging

James Wang - Sign up here

C#, Java, Python, p5.js, html, css, Javascript, Socket, Node.js, Unity Development, WebRTC, Nedb, VR Development, Firebase, ejs 
Nima Niazi (Resident) -  Sign up here

Html, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, node.js, p5.js, React.js, Next.js, Vue.js, Python, Django, Flask, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL, rest APIs, Netlify, Audio DSP, JUCE, tone.js
Kai Cheng (Resident) - Sign up here

Frontend & Web Animation: HTML, CSS(Sass), JavaScript, p5, THREE.js, WEBGLBackend: Python(Flask & Django), Node.js (Express)Data Analysis/Data tracking: Crawler(Selenium), Google Analytics, Pandas
Version control, deployment and others: Git, Cloud Services(AWS, Digital Ocean), PCom, electric part repairing and projects for fun!
Yu Lee (Resident) - Sign up here

React, Next.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, P5.js, D3.js, Three.js, Git/Github, Node, Vercel, Netlify, Heroku, Socket.io, Firebase, RESTful API, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, emotional support   
Dror Margalit (Resident) - Sign up here

P5, React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, node.js, APIs, socket.io, Generative AI/ LLMs, website deployment (Netlify)

Mary Mark (Resident) - Sign up here

p5.js, python, algorithms + math, coding in TD, c++


Here you can see our weekly schedule and events.

Data & APIs Workshop

Oct 30th, 2023

Link to slides

Learn what happens when you enter a url in the browser, and how to use APIs.

by Anna Y Lin

Introduction to React

Oct 26, 2023

Link to slides

Learn how to create a simple web application with React.js

by Lucia Gomez

Level Greyboxing with
Unity ProBuilder

Nov 17, 2021

Link to slides

Level design refers the creation of video game levels, locales, missions or stages. If you want to rapidly test your level design ideas and see how your environment feels, Unity ProBuilder can be a great choice!

by Olivia Yin

Digital Gardening With Obsidian

Nov 3, 2021

Link to Github Repo

Digital Gardening is a SUPER fun way to re-imagine reading, writing and thinking in our wacky world of WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION!

Digital gardening emphasizes growing little webs and NETWORKS of meaningful notes and ideas that get better over time!

Instead of taking notes and never looking at them again, Digital Gardens encourage revisiting and cultivating your ideas. How fun! In a world where we're constantly bombarded with streams of information, it can be really helpful to carve out a little garden of your own ideas! It's a really great way to retain what you learn in school as well as many other things.

by John Bezark

Introduction to Live Coding with TidalCycles

Oct 30 & 31, 2021

Link to Github Wiki

Live coding embraces failure, transparency and... algorithms! In live coding we use mostly open-source, free tools. It is an on-the-fly performance practice that people use to generate sound and visuals.

This workshop covered installing & performing our first improv jam session with TidalCycles, which is a pattern-based live coding language for making music. 

by Jeeyoon Hyun & David Currie

Link to Miro Board

Anyone can program - just like anyone can eat a carolina reaper chilli pepper! This workshop was about giving you a bunch of tools and strategies for troubleshooting, debugging, and getting more comfortable with your own code.

by Wasif Hyder

(free) Online design resources

Feb 12, 2020

Free Online software to aid and enhance your design process! (Vectr, Canva, Photopea)

by Raaziq M Brown


New York University 
4th Floor
370 Jay street, 11201
Brooklyn, NY
Write us - we would love to hear your feedback

Many thanks to our sisters at designlab.itp.io for the site design!